速報APP / 娛樂 / Pancho Villa's Army

Pancho Villa's Army





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Pancho Villa's Army(圖1)-速報App

Pancho Villa’s Army started when our founder, Sergio, stopped by the local soccer pub to see the 2011 Gold Cup Final between El Tri and the United States Men's National Team. El General quickly realized that he was the only person wearing the beautiful Mexican green jersey. Despite being greatly outnumbered he stayed for the whole game unafraid.

Pancho Villa's Army(圖2)-速報App

The USMNT went up two goals and soon enough the chants of "Dos a Cero" began to be heard about the pub. However, El General did not lose faith and continued to support El Tri. The chants were quickly quieted when El Tri stormed back to win 4-2, sealing the game on a beautiful Giovani Dos Santos goal. El General’s joy was uncontrollable but as he looked around to find someone to high-five, hug, or to join him in singing ‘Cielito Lindo‘ not a single soul could be found. El General knew he had to do something to unite El Tri fans in the US and from around the world. Pancho Villa’s Army is the idea that grew out of that experience.